Clemson's fiscal practices attacked (The State 3/16/08)
Fired official sues, claiming school hid millions from Legislature
Fired Clemson official’s suit moves forward
Note: Cleaned up by JRH 4/07/08 1:05pm
Monday, April 7, 2008
Clemson Trustees Embezzle 80 Million dollars?
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12:35 PM
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An end to the Good Old Boy system?
What this 80 Million dollar federal lawsuit could (I hope) mean for the quintessential redneck elitists.
Now that you guys have seen some recent articles on an impending Federal lawsuit against clempson trustees I will explain to you the best and worst case scenarios for the future of this lawless institution all while giving you a history of how things work for the so called center of the ultraverse.
Negative news in clemson never gets much exposure. Whether it’s a blackface gangster party held by white fraternities causing the NAACP to come to town or a senior lineman killing their track coach while riding a jetski owned by a known booster and then continuing to play football, these things generally go unnoticed. This happens for a variety of reasons. For one, its clemson and nobody gives a fuck about them. People also expect this kind of thing from them. It’s just how they are. When wrong doing actually does get exposed, their friends at the Greenville news will tuck it away on the back pages of their rag and will only do that if they have no other choice. These things are usually investigated internally and the clemson pr department will release a statement saying that no wrongdoing of any kind occurred. As was the case with the jetski incident, pickens county police will declare that there was no alcohol involved after administering and “hour” of sobriety tests on the same freaking person. How many chances did the guy need? We all know the advantages of being located on a cow patty in the middle of no where. As if deputy der-haw is going to do anything about it.
But this case could be huge. Although I think they’ll get away with it as usual, this one may be too big to ignore and it could set off a chain of events that will change the good ol boy system forever. You see, the trustees of public universities in South Carolina are appointed by the legislature. That is except for clemson where they are appointed by the school for life. This system ensures that the legacy of the ultimate redneck elitist Ben Tillman remains. The man who established clemson on land donated under the condition that blacks never be admitted to create an environment for the “gentleman farmer” to be educated without the corruption of the “lintheads” or millworkers in Columbia. To this day clemson has among the lowest percentage of minorities of any public university in the entire country all while charging 1000 dollars more in tuition than USC. The most recent numbers I could find show the percentage of blacks at 4-6% while it is over 15% at USC.
I think it is highly possible that this so called public institution will be forced to have its trustees appointed the same way as USC, by the legislature. This could have a devastating affect on the Good Old Boy system that could trickle all the way down to the athletic department. What if a Federal judge demands that an audit be conducted to account for the 80 million dollars? I don’t think this money was spent on atheletes. Clemson has plenty of boosters to take care of that, and, their history of cheating is well documented. Afterall, the NCAA created the death penalty because of clemson after and investigation revealing so many violations the NCAA gave up trying to find all of them. It’s no secret that clemson has the second worst NCAA record in history and that’s just based on what we actually know that has occurred. But, is it possible that some of this money was spent to fund the west end zone project that clemson’s atheletic department was magically able to secure funds for? Maybe, but I’m sure they’ll manage to sweep all that under the rug as usual. Still, the good old boys on the board could be replaced with people who do things the right way. And we all know that Clemson athletics has never accomplished anything when they do it the right way. Don’t even try to argue with me on that one, you will be buried in evidence.
You know. It's that kind of passion and fervent hatred that keeps me going down here in fucking cajun country. I'm going out to burn some LSU flags, in your honor.
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