"Yod'm 3D provides four virtual desktops for your PC, all of them contained in a spinning 3D cube.
Virtual desktops are great for cutting down on window clutter and improving PC productivity.
Yod'm keeps it simple, giving you four virtual desktops on a rotating "cube." Just press Ctrl-Shift and the left or right arrow key to cycle between them. (You can assign different activation-key combinations, which is good: I need Ctrl-Shift for Word.) You can also hold down the activation keys and drag your mouse left or right, which provides a better rotating-cube-in-space effect. If you want to jump directly to an open application in any desktop, you can click the Yod'm icon in the System Tray and select the app."
(via http://lifehacker.com/software/virtual-desktops/download-of-the-day-yodm-3d-windows-255448.php)
I use this myself, and its really cool.
Download a previous version here
or here
because it was bought, developed, and re-released with a pricetag..its now called 'deskspace'
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Virtual Desktop
Thank you:
11:27 PM
Radiohead Album bought for $1000
Give these guys a hand...
Purebuttons.com, LLC has purchased the new Radiohead album, In Rainbows, for $1,000.00 in support of Radiohead's "silent" effort to revolutionize the music industry.
Thank you:
11:23 PM
Multi Touch!
Last year Chris and I shared a video of a presenter named Jeff Han showcasing his prototype multi-touch display at the TED conference:
He started his own company and is workin on developing and marketing "the most advanced multi-touch system in the world"
Later I found Microsoft Suraface, which utilizes multi touch and is due out this winter (click the link for some awesome video demos)
This really reminds me of some sci-fi movie shit! We live in such an exciting time!
Thank you:
10:51 PM
Thank God: Looks like they'll tour after all.
An excerpt from an interview with Jonny Greenwood:
Have you been trying to reduce your use of air travel because of carbon emissions?
Yeah, that’s basically why. It’s difficult because we want to travel and tour and do musical things and we’re just looking at ways of doing it without going to the other extreme. It’d be crazy to not tour for that reason but it’d also be crazy to tour in too greedy a way. So we’re just working on the balance for it. And I can’t really justify going to New York just for my own sort of thing.
Are you working out plans to tour in America at this point?
We’re talking about touring somewhere in the world next year. Now that the album’s out that’s what we’re talking about. I hope you’ll get to see some good shows.
Thank you:
J.C. Wells
3:20 PM