They ranked it 12th out of the top 25 most affordable towns in the country. Obviously, there is no accounting for taste.
Friday, April 11, 2008
All Rebels Must Die!
Guys I plead with you. Star Wars Galaxies is the freaking coolest game I've ever seen. The possibilities are limitless and too involved for me to describe here. But if you've seen it in the past, give it another chance. They have space combat now in addition to ground stuff. Its even got the magical wind resistance space combat style of star wars. I'm flying a tie fighter right now. And I'm a bounty hunter. But you can be a jedi or musician or smuggler or lots of other stuff. Anything you can do in star wars is in this freaking game.
Anyways, theres a free 14 day trial. Me and about 3 other guys from work are wrecking shop on this thing. The download takes a while I must warn you. But, do yourself a favor and give it a whirl. Trust me on this one. You'll want to join on the "radiant" server. The game calls the servers "galaxies" fyi. Thats where we are. Once you get set up let me know and I'll help you out with the tutorial and get you going. You won't believe how much there is to this game. Whatever you do, don't be a rebel. They suck and theres like a ton of them. My buds and I are all emperial pilots. But you can even go the privateer route if you want.
Anybody thats wants to give this shit a shot, let me know. But trust me, you want to do this. This is where its at if you're a gamer. Join the Legion of Doom NOW!
Thank you:
4:38 PM