After that piss poor performance on Saturday, I hereby resign my fandom of the University of South Carolina football team. This will be effective immediately and will continue either until the bowl game or until Trevor is a baby daddy, whichever comes first. Thank you.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Contact juggling
Watched Labyrinth the other night - ya know - the one with Bowie - and it sucked dog balls. Not nearly as bad-ass as I remember it. The contact juggling was cool though.
Thank you:
J.C. Wells
6:04 PM
Dr McNinja
A little late, but here's the moving and inspirational story of Katanakka. Enjoy.
Thank you:
J.C. Wells
5:17 PM
Air-Force Intelligence Officer Who Helped Locate Zarqawi Discusses American Interrogation Practices
I refused to participate in such practices, and a month later, I extended that prohibition to the team of interrogators I was assigned to lead. I taught the members of my unit a new methodology -- one based on building rapport with suspects, showing cultural understanding and using good old-fashioned brainpower to tease out information. I personally conducted more than 300 interrogations, and I supervised more than 1,000. The methods my team used are not classified (they're listed in the unclassified Field Manual), but the way we used them was, I like to think, unique. We got to know our enemies, we learned to negotiate with them, and we adapted criminal investigative techniques to our work (something that the Field Manual permits, under the concept of "ruses and trickery"). It worked. Our efforts started a chain of successes that ultimately led to Zarqawi.
Thank you:
2:16 PM