Monday, April 7, 2008

Brooke is Pregnant

My army of tiny white Jedi's has penetrated Brooke's inner defenses. The Kwisartz Haderach has officially been conceived. We got visual confirmation from the ultrasound last week and it turns out that she is 6 weeks pregnant. I must say that I'll never be the same now that I have seen my wife's vagina from the inside out. It'll blow your freaking mind.

I thought a blog post would be the best way to make this announcement. That way I can tell everybody at once.

The one who brings balance to the universe is due around thanksgiving. I'm up for any name suggestions. Of course Brooke hates all of my ideas for names. But his middle name WILL be Eugene of course!


B said...

Damn, big daddy. No other name would be suitable other than, Paul

Jon said...


Name that kid Taekwondo Eugene Superfluous Michael the 63rd-and-one-half.

B said...

What about Tebow?

Jon said...

If it's a girl, how about Tangerine Schlitz Jackson?

bluesngrass said...

Duuude. Its me. you know its going to be a boy;)

copeland said...

Whatever you name the squirt, it's going to be called the "little black train." At least until it gets older - then we'll call it the "goddamn that's a bigass mutha fuckin choochoo!"

Although, Tebow does have a ring to it.