So you all know I have a thing for snacks; a somewhat unnatural obsession some might say. Well I was thinking about how much I miss one of my all time favorite - seriously a favorite not one of those transient obsessions - snacks: doo-dads. I thought, "Well fuckin'-a, self! There's that new-fangled intra-net thang, and maybe, just maybe I could order doo-dads online and relive the magic one more time!!" I am not at all alone in my quest to relive the god-like state of snacking one experiences when enjoying a box of doo-dads. Here's what I found:
Craving Doo Dads?
If you remember the snack mix Doo Dads then you probably know ChexMix is no replacement. Doo Dads was discontinued by Nabisco several years ago and until recently there was no replacement.
Well over the holidays I stumbled on something new from Nabisco. They’re called Mixers and they come in Traditional and some Cheese thing. Stay away from the cheese and buy the Traditional, it has a spicy taste just like Doo Dads.
Buy some salted peanuts and dump them in the bag. You’ll have to eat around the Ritz crackers though.
38 Comments follow, including:
#5. TheDingoo8yourBaby wrote:
I would KILL a bus-load of kittens and orphans for a package of Doo Dads!!!! I’d murder the last unicorn for a mere lick of one of those corn Chex from the original Doo Dads! Doo Dads were the best snack ever made. The Canadians have taken our Doo Dads!!!
Take up arms, people! Take back the Doo Dads! I propose an invasion of Canada. Liberate the Doo Dads! Don’t worry, the Liberals will convince everyone it is “all about the oil” while we are stuffing our faces with the salty goodness of the real deal.
Forget Chex’s watered-down substitute.
Liberate the Doo Dads! Bomb Canada Today!!!!
PS. And Ritz crackers? WTF were they thinking?
#12. alan's friend wrote:
Once while walking through a supermarket on the snack aisle I encountered a box of doodads upside down on the shelf. As you will remember, the brand name “doodads” was spelled in lower case letters. You can imagine my surprise at seeing a product on the shelf named “spapoop.”
#19. Brian Lee Lewis wrote:
I searched the internet 5 years ago for information on DooDads and found nothing. I emailed Nabisco then. Now I have found all these posts of people also wanting doodads. I have thought about doodads on average once or twice a week for the last 5 years. Well, perhaps longer, because I thought about them when they were still available as well. The last time I ate DooDads was with my ex-girlfriend of three + years past. I have a picture of her nude with the box of DooDads covering her face which makes me feel sort of mixed up because otherwise I relate the DooDads to my great aunt Mable who brought them to me every time time she baby sat me and my siblings. I broke up with my girlfriend when Nabisco stopped selling DooDads. I didn’t have the same feelings for her suddenly. My life is sh*t without DooDads.
I’m a little bit confused about this Canada thing that people keep mentioning. Are there DooDads in Canada? If so, I am moving there.
#26 mullall9 wrote:
I have dreams about Doo Dads…happy, beautiful dreams that I never want to wake up from! My very last box was stolen by my roommate at the time and she thought they could replaced….SHE WAS WRONG! Needless to say, we are no longer friends! How can we get them back? Some sort of petition? We have to make it happen!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
From way, way out of left field...
Thank you:
J.C. Wells
12:27 PM
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Mr. Wells, thank you for your brilliant and heartfelt comments regarding one of the greatest snack mixtures of all times. The plight of the hardworking, blue-collar, Doo Dads sufferers has been ignored for far too long. While I don't share the same psychotic zeal as our brother in arms, TheDingo8YourBaby, he does have a point. Fuck Canada! It would be a weekend excursion. We could set traps with crumpets and signs that say "Free Health Care." We'd be swimming in Doo Dads by Monday.
I remember the last box I had--it was actually my dad's box of doodads, because it was shoved in that "back-of-the-seat-bag" in his car that you usually only ever shove trash in. The contents were probably a year old...but they were delicious.
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