Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Damn, I wish the future was here
This is the kind of car I'm tlaking about. The thing has a range of 280 miles. Honda is even working on a solar powered hydrogen enine that can fuel people's home.
I want to believe in American car companies but it always seems to me that Toyota and Honda are a step ahead.
I know its hydrogen but the stuff really isnt any more dangerous than regular fuel. The lead paint is what blew up the Hindenburg. Not so much the Hydrogen.
Anyways i jsut don't see a bright future for GM and Dodge probably should have died a long time ago. They're fighting with one hand tied behind their back.
Thank you:
10:47 AM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
From way, way out of left field...
So you all know I have a thing for snacks; a somewhat unnatural obsession some might say. Well I was thinking about how much I miss one of my all time favorite - seriously a favorite not one of those transient obsessions - snacks: doo-dads. I thought, "Well fuckin'-a, self! There's that new-fangled intra-net thang, and maybe, just maybe I could order doo-dads online and relive the magic one more time!!" I am not at all alone in my quest to relive the god-like state of snacking one experiences when enjoying a box of doo-dads. Here's what I found:
Craving Doo Dads?
If you remember the snack mix Doo Dads then you probably know ChexMix is no replacement. Doo Dads was discontinued by Nabisco several years ago and until recently there was no replacement.
Well over the holidays I stumbled on something new from Nabisco. They’re called Mixers and they come in Traditional and some Cheese thing. Stay away from the cheese and buy the Traditional, it has a spicy taste just like Doo Dads.
Buy some salted peanuts and dump them in the bag. You’ll have to eat around the Ritz crackers though.
38 Comments follow, including:
#5. TheDingoo8yourBaby wrote:
I would KILL a bus-load of kittens and orphans for a package of Doo Dads!!!! I’d murder the last unicorn for a mere lick of one of those corn Chex from the original Doo Dads! Doo Dads were the best snack ever made. The Canadians have taken our Doo Dads!!!
Take up arms, people! Take back the Doo Dads! I propose an invasion of Canada. Liberate the Doo Dads! Don’t worry, the Liberals will convince everyone it is “all about the oil” while we are stuffing our faces with the salty goodness of the real deal.
Forget Chex’s watered-down substitute.
Liberate the Doo Dads! Bomb Canada Today!!!!
PS. And Ritz crackers? WTF were they thinking?
#12. alan's friend wrote:
Once while walking through a supermarket on the snack aisle I encountered a box of doodads upside down on the shelf. As you will remember, the brand name “doodads” was spelled in lower case letters. You can imagine my surprise at seeing a product on the shelf named “spapoop.”
#19. Brian Lee Lewis wrote:
I searched the internet 5 years ago for information on DooDads and found nothing. I emailed Nabisco then. Now I have found all these posts of people also wanting doodads. I have thought about doodads on average once or twice a week for the last 5 years. Well, perhaps longer, because I thought about them when they were still available as well. The last time I ate DooDads was with my ex-girlfriend of three + years past. I have a picture of her nude with the box of DooDads covering her face which makes me feel sort of mixed up because otherwise I relate the DooDads to my great aunt Mable who brought them to me every time time she baby sat me and my siblings. I broke up with my girlfriend when Nabisco stopped selling DooDads. I didn’t have the same feelings for her suddenly. My life is sh*t without DooDads.
I’m a little bit confused about this Canada thing that people keep mentioning. Are there DooDads in Canada? If so, I am moving there.
#26 mullall9 wrote:
I have dreams about Doo Dads…happy, beautiful dreams that I never want to wake up from! My very last box was stolen by my roommate at the time and she thought they could replaced….SHE WAS WRONG! Needless to say, we are no longer friends! How can we get them back? Some sort of petition? We have to make it happen!
Thank you:
J.C. Wells
12:27 PM
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Leahy, Specter, Feingold, Kennedy Introduce State Secrets Legislation
In light of Obama's recent invocation of the states secrets act (see below), a bi-partisan group of Senators have reintroduced a bill which would limit the President's authority in this regard.
“The State Secrets Protection Act will help guide the courts to balance the government’s interests in secrecy with accountability and the rights of citizens to seek judicial redress. The bill does not restrict the Government’s ability to assert the privilege in appropriate cases. In light of the pending cases where this privilege has been invoked, involving issues including torture, rendition and warrantless wiretapping, we can ill-afford to delay consideration of this important legislation. I hope all Senators will join us in supporting this bill.” - Patrick Leahy
via Glenn Greenwald.
Thank you:
1:30 PM
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Spokesman for Eric Cantor, House Minority Whip, sends a video spoof of AFSCME to Greg Sargent
NSFW: Language
Apparently, this was in response to AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees) running ads against Cantor for opposing the stimulus package. I guess this was supposed to portray AFSCME in a bad light, but I think it is pretty badass.
Thank you:
6:44 PM
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
More of the same, Part II
Well, Tim Geithner is going to release his Bailout plan today. According to the NY Times, it contains the following provisions:
1) Exisiting bank execs will be allowed to remain in power and will not experience salary caps.
2) Bank shareholders will be protected at taxpayer expense.
3) The government will not dictate what the banks do with the money they receive.
4) The creation of an entity which will guarantee mortgage backed assets for private investors, putting taxpayer money on the line (likely, the only way to encourage private investors to buy these things at a rate acceptable to the current holders of the securities would be to guarantee them at or near the holder's current valuation, regardless of what their true value is).
Firedoglake's Ian Welsh discusses the plan.
Update: Naked Capitalism.
Update II: Martin Wolf from the Financial Times.
Thank you:
8:10 AM
Obama DOJ invokes states secrets to quash rendition lawsuit
Not change, just more of the same.
Thank you:
8:03 AM
Monday, February 9, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Steven Pearlstein, WaPo's Business Columnist, discusses the ignorance of congressional leaders
"My modest proposal is that lawmakers be authorized to hire personal economic trainers over the coming year to sit by their sides as they fashion the government's response to the economic crisis and prevent them from uttering the kind of nonsense that has characterized the debate over the stimulus bill during the last two weeks."
A fantastic piece that should be read by everyone.
Thank you:
7:04 PM
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Colbert remix
The original.
Reviving an oldie but a goodie.
Thank you:
6:03 PM