Glenn Greenwald discusses the recent arrests carried out against young activists who are suspected of planning to make an unauthorized protest at the RNC.
Has anyone seen evidence of coverage of this by any major media outlet?
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Minn. Police Conduct Preemptive Raids Against RNC Protestors
Thank you:
2:21 PM
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Greenwald: The AT&T Convention in Denver
The link in the title will take you to Glenn Greenwald's article on the tote bags being given as gifts to the delegates and press that are attending the convention this week. From the look of the pictures Greenwald posted, and the sheer audacity (in my mind) of printing a huge-ass AT&T logo on the side of the bag, I thought for sure that this was photoshop at work. Further, when I looked the date when he posted the article, it seemed even more likely that the pictures were fake. Then I looked around the web and read this article and then this one. There are several others, but note the dates on the aforementioned articles, and unless the former was written by a total liar, well, she says she was there...
Why'd I post this? Jesus, guys, they're laughing at us. And you all know me - I'm not going to start a protest or a riot; I know all I have is my vote. In spite of the attention and historical "weight" that this election is surrounded by, I feel like we all have to be careful not to get swept up in the zeitgeist of this election cycle. With the extensive coverage, the record turn outs for the primaries, the history making event of having our first African-American nominee for President, etc., it's easy to make a decision just so as to be involved.
I'm not advocating complete abstinence, but I will say that we cannot continue to support, reward, or condone the behavior that we've seen lead to this sort of blatant disrespect for the rules we all say we're playing by(read: the motherfucking constitution) when we, in this case, "vote for the lesser of two evils."
Does this mean my mind is made up? No, not yet. But reading articles like those above make it increasingly difficult to side with someone, or even a group of people, who don't seem to care, in the slightest, for accountability, the rule of law, people over corporations; I could go on, but you get my point.
If you don't read the article, look at the pictures, recall what you know about what happened with the FISA legislation, and take this into consideration:
"How far are we away from both parties selling naming rights to the companies on whose behalf they so assiduously labor?" - Greenwald
Thank you:
J.C. Wells
2:57 PM
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
No more excuses. No more waaah we can't win because our o-line sucks. No more wah we can't win cause our coach hasn't had the chance to recruit the right players. No more "oh my god, we're beating a good team, here comes the fuck up." Do Georgia fans worry about their O-line being a bunch of freshmen? NO! They expect to win no matter what! Does Tennessee ever worry that their coach is an idiot? NO! Does Florida worry that their quaterback is gay? NO! Those guys expect to win.
The Cocks have all the depth they need to beat anybody. I don't want to hear any more of this crap. Not from myself or anybody. Just win the Damn Game! I don't care if Jasper Brinkley has to play in a wheelchair. I don't care if we are starting our 4th string token benchwarmer white runningback. Just win it DAMNIT!!!!!!!!! AND WIN THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's time for this football team to fulfill its destiny!
You boys know what to do!
Thank you:
3:07 PM
Obama Modifies 'Yes We Can' Message To Exclude Area Loser
'Yes We Can, Except Nate Walsh,' Obama Says
Thank you:
J.C. Wells
2:14 PM
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Shitty Star Wars fan documentary
I know you all could care less about a Star Wars fan documentary; I'm really posting this just for the following quote:
"I don’t believe in God, I don’t believe in any of the organized religions… But I believe in George Lucas. I believe in Star Wars. I believe in Spider-Man. I believe in Superman. Most of the other stuff, I think people made up because it makes them feel better.”
- the guy in the Superman suit, winning this week’s
Cognitive Dissonance Award
Thank you:
J.C. Wells
11:20 AM
Monday, August 25, 2008
Bathroom Humor
There's not enough bathroom humor in this blog; I seek to rectify the situation. Here's an excerpt from the article in the link:
"My colleagues backed away, with a look of abject horror and disgust as my two buttocks finally ceased their devilish applause causing my demolished rectum to finally recede into silence. I looked down. My trousers were bulging oddly, and I could see the carpet beneath my feet would require some serious work if it were ever to return to its previous, glorious blue."
Thank you:
J.C. Wells
1:52 PM
Saturday, August 23, 2008
It's Biden
Obama does something smart for once, and chooses Joe Biden as his running mate. The boy once plagiarized a paper in law school, which is shitty, and lied about his undergraduate record, but he is a heavy hitter with serious foreign policy cred.
Thank you:
1:43 AM
Friday, August 22, 2008
Ball of Confusion
This funk was featured at the beginning of Tropic Thunder. See it, bitches!
Thank you:
12:48 PM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Beer milkshake
I know that it sounds odd, but I'm having one right now (yes, it's before noon, but since there is a tropical storm on, I am playing by severe weather rules) and it isn't bad. I couldn't get my hands on a really nice stout, so I used Guinness. It's not bad, though a bit bitter. A Sammy Smith's Oatmeal Stout would likely make a fine milkshake.
Thank you:
11:49 AM
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Prince of Persia Prodigy
That's right. They used Sigur Ros, ninjas!
Thank you:
10:24 AM
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Radiohead score new Palahniuk movie
The guy who wrote Fight Club wrote another novel called Choke, which has now been made into a movie. Enter Radiohead.
Thank you:
J.C. Wells
1:17 PM
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Rage Against the Machine - Lollapalooza
Here's Zach's political rant.
Not my footage but Zach was pissed.
The crowd was so ridiculous, Zach stopped 3 times and threatened to cancel if people didn't chill out a bit.
Here's the first time.
He had to do this 3 times!
Oh here's some other cool info from this year's festival.
Thank you:
12:54 AM
Friday, August 8, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Paris Hilton responds to McCain's attack ad
The original ad comparing Obama to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears:
Thank you:
8:36 PM
Punch 'em in the dick NSFW
Scrotum? Hell, damned near killed 'em.
Thank you:
5:08 PM
Baghdad: 5 Years On
The Guardian's Ghaith Abdul-Ahad returns to his native Iraq to report on the situation in Baghdad.
Thank you:
9:48 AM