Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Speaking of Garcia


Jon said...

Fixed. Damn, has that been Photoshopped? If not, what a dumb dick-bag.

B said...

I'm telling you guys, one slice of the little finger would turn this kid around.

bluesngrass said...

Its just a photoshop. But i thought it was funny. The story is that some professor got a parking space before him so he keyed the guys car. The professor saw him do it too. This guy is a goober.
It seems like its always the players we recruit from Florida that keep doing this stuff. Do they not have cops down there anymore? Dion Lecorn (from Florida) got busted for having a roach in his car by the cayce police. They were smoking a joint in the university commons blasting music in the parking lot. The cops come walking up and Lecorn didn't even swallow the roach. He just showed it to the cops.

Jon said...

Well, you gotta realize something about Floridians. They are, to a man, borderline retarded. I don't know if it is the water, or the heat, or the low-lying geography. But once you hit the peninsula, 'tards, everywhere.