Tuesday, March 25, 2008


There's nothing else to say.


B said...

Dude, this off the field issue was him getting caught having a beer with his brother by the, poor excuse for cops, usc campus police. I say we hang this kid. Drinking beer at twenty is like killing people, right?

Jon said...

What's with this "he's had a lot of chances here" thing that Spurrier mentioned? Has the kid gotten in trouble before?

copeland said...

Yeah. He got caught keying a professor's car or some shit.

Dude needs to stay off the streets and just drink in the honeycombs like everybody else.

B said...

And before the keying thing he got caught drinkin in the bar star and ran from the police. He's been fucking up but mostly little shit.However, if it was my car he keyed I would have cut off his pinky finger on his non throwing hand.

copeland said...

Non-throwing hand, huh. Mighty white of ya B.