Sorry if its not your jam, but heres a few of the candidates positions on a not so well know campaign issue
Mitt Romney:
This one made me cringe. While I don't think the question was really fair (it seems baited and the cameraman is incredibly callous) his response sucks as well.
"Not Yet" good point on the medical use expanding into other "medical" uses though
Fails again
"More research blah blah" aka "hmm...ill try and put this off some more while im in office"
Theres plenty of studies out there already
We all know he used to get high. Pretty brief, but says he would not prosecute for medical use
Ron Paul:
Good Call
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Medical Marijuana and The 2008 Presidential Candidates
Thank you:
7:40 PM
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So many Republicans will invoke the state's rights mantra when it suits their purposes, but not when it comes to things like this. Ron Paul, of course, is right: the Constitution doesn't give the Federal government the authority to ban or restrict the sale of drugs. When those shit-heels wanted to ban the sale of alcohol on the national level, they had to amend the constitution. That was redonk, no doubt, but it was the only appropriate way of doing it.
I certainly don't have a problem with using marijuana for severe pain and anorexia due to terminal illnesses - the argument about it causing more harm than good - give me a fucking break. Has anyone ever seen the bad effects of most of the strong chemo drugs we use? I would rather live the last 6mos of my life high as a fucking kite and happy than suffer through some of the treatment regimens for an additional 6-8mos. Hey, Kevin - if you find any of those studies about medical uses for marijuana, send them to me. Hard to find in the medical literature.
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