Monday, October 29, 2007

While we're talking about Radiohead...

Saw this a couple days ago on, and again on when chris posted the link.

An In Rainbows/OK Computer relation? Some sort on tenspiracy going on? Binary Code?! What do you guys think?

(p.s. another earlier entry by the same author

1 comment:

J.C. Wells said...

Ya know, the most intriguing thing to me was that Thom or, "someone associated with Thom," commented on the tenspiracy saying that ol' T-dog himself was frustrated that no one was "getting it." But who was the someone that contacted Puddleglum? And who the fuck is Puddleglum anyway? I think it's most likely all just a hell of a coincidence, but it wouldn't take a whole lot more evidence to make it into some kinda viable theory - me thinks, anyway.