Wednesday, June 30, 2010
If you boys don't mind, I'll go ahead and do the honors:
Thank you:
9:59 AM
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Radiohead 'at the finishing line' on new album, guitarist says
Could be out by the end of the year. No Shit.
Thank you:
J.C. Wells
3:05 PM
Monday, June 14, 2010
I like what I like...
Even if it only consists of roughly 3 subjects: Radiohead, anything involving a lightsaber, and, damn... Forgot the third one...
Thank you:
J.C. Wells
3:46 PM
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Why SEC Expansion Might Not Be Happening Soon
Mike Slive: Thank you all for coming. I've called this meeting to gauge your interest on possibly moving to the SEC.
Georgia Tech: Do you mind? I'm in the middle of a dungeon raid.
Georgia: Figures.
Slive: I don't know what that means. (clears throat) Texas and Texas A&M, you came the farthest to be here. How are you feeling?
Texas A&M: Yes.
Slive: Yes, what?
Texas A&M: Thank you for the invite. I accept.
Arkansas: Awesome! (high fives LSU)
Slive: But I didn't extend any offers yet.
Texas: Don't mind him. We're not coming. I'm too smart for your conference.
Vanderbilt: That's rich. This guy thinks he's funny.
Slive: Can't Texas A&M make his own decisions?
Texas: No. The state legislature won't let us split up, and I'm saying no. C'mon lil' brother, let's blow this joint.
Texas A&M: Yes I can. Wait, come back! Who you calling little brother?
Texas and Texas A&M leave.
Slive: All right. Virginia Tech, how are you feeling?
Virginia Tech: I'll have to ask the governor's office first. That's what got me in the ACC a few years back.
Slive: Sure thing, let's move on. Florida State?
Florida groans and signs dramatically.
Florida State: I might join, but tell me this. How many of you in the SEC currently fear the spear?
Ole Miss: Wait, what?
Florida State: I said do you FEAR THE SPEAR?
Florida: Hell no. You haven't won 10 games since 2003.
Kentucky: Seriously, even I beat you in the Music City Bowl a couple years ago.
Florida State: UNCONQUERED!
Slive: Right. While we're on the subject, Miami...
Miami: Sí, señor.
Slive: What are your thoughts?
Miami: Creo que la Florida es una niña pequeña.
Florida: I'm sorry, I can't hear you. Your crappy piped in music is echoing too loudly off all the empty seats in your rented stadium.
Mississippi State: Come now, Baxter. You know I don't speak Spanish. Ha ha, see what I did there?
Auburn: I saw it. Niiiiiice.
Alabama: Good Lord. Who gave those two permission to speak? Can we move on?
Slive: Calm down everyone. Last, but certainly not least, we've got Clemson. What is your interest level at?
Clemson: I'd be all for it. Why not make bring the Chicken Curse completely into the SEC?
South Carolina: Hey man, I beat you last season, and this is our year to win the East. You'll see.
Slive: Tennessee, you've been awfully quiet. Do you have anything to add?
Tennessee: Not since Lane Kiffin left.
Slive: Fair enough; I'm not arguing with that. Virginia Tech, did you get a hold of anyone at the governor's office?
Virginia Tech: Yeah, I did. Virginia wants to know what your lacrosse scheduling policies are.
Slive: Virginia? Lacrosse?
Miami: Estoy aburrido. ¡Vamos a la playa, caballeros!
Auburn: Oooh, it's my turn. Baxter! You know I don't...
Alabama: Shut up!
Slive: Gentlemen, it's getting a little out of hand here...
LSU: Hey, Mike. Texas just texted me the lyrics to "California Dreaming." Said it was dedicated to you.
Florida State: Wait a minute. If I join your league, do I have to change the war chant to include the S-E-C chant? Because I am not cool with that.
Slive: Um, if there are no objections, let's resume these meetings next week.
Vanderbilt: Done and done. Who's up for a game of Clue?
Alabama: I'm outta here.
Georgia Tech: Time's up. Let's do this!
Slive: But we just decided to end...
Slive: You know what, everyone? I'll call you.
Thank you:
12:41 PM
Thursday, June 10, 2010
What's erbody doin for the 4th
Anybody coming in for the 4th of July? We should start planning now and do something.
Thank you:
8:47 AM
Monday, June 7, 2010
T.U.B.E. - The Ultimate Bootleg Experience
They've got a pant-load of good stuff on here, but know the first link for download yields a text file detailing another link to the actual file you want. Hmmmm...
Not sure on the legal issues here, but I'm pretty sure it's all kosher. Actually, I'm not sure about it at all, but there's stuff I want on here, so I'm gonna go with it being OK.
Thank you:
J.C. Wells
4:55 PM
'Star Wars' hologram TV is in development: NHK
'Bout damn time.
Thank you:
J.C. Wells
4:53 PM
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Lest We forget...
Listen to this one loud, or not at all...
Clever got me this far
Then tricky got me in
Eye on what i'm after
I don't need another friend
Smile and drop the cliche
'Till you think I'm listening
I take just what I came for
Then I'm out the door again
Peripheral on the package
Don't care to settle in
Time to feed the monster
I don't need another friend
Comfort is a mystery
Crawling out of my own skin
Just give me what I came for, then I'm out the door again
Lie to get what I came for
Lie to get just what I need
Lie to get what I crave
Lie and smile to get what's mine
Eye on what i'm after
I don't need another friend
Nod and watch your lips move
If you need me to pretend
Because clever got me this far
Then tricky got me in
I'll take just what I came for
Then I'm out the door again
Lie to get what I came for
Lie to get what I need now
Lie to get what I'm craving
Lie and smile to get what's mine
Give this to me
Mine, mine, mine
Take what's mine
Mine, mine, mine
Take what's mine
Mine, mine, mine
Lie to get what I came for
Lie to get what I need now
Lie to get what I'm craving
Lie to smile and get what's mine
Give this to me
Take what's mine
Mine, mine, mine
Take what's mine
Give this to me
Take what's mine, take what's mine, mine...
Take what's mine, take what's mine, take what's mine,
This is mine, mine, mine
Thank you:
J.C. Wells
10:07 PM
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Thank you:
8:27 AM