Fucking monkeys...in south cack
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Generation Kill
I don't know if you guys have seen this new series on HBO, but it's bad ass. If you liked the Band of Brothers series then you should like this one. The humor is great and it also has some pretty sick shit that goes on. If you get the chance check it out.
Thank you:
2:07 PM
Monday, July 28, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Fritz Hollings on Bill Moyers Journal
And now, South Carolina has Jim DeMint. Way to slum it up.
Thank you:
2:53 PM
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Standing Wave/River Surfing
Eisbach, Munich, Germany. This is an aqueduct that is surfed, and apparently alot of people get hurt or drown here :(
Badass surfing though!
Waimea Beach, Hawaii.
The beach sits at the base of a valley which has a small stream running through it. Due to wave action, sand gets pushed up into a large hill in front of the stream each winter. This creates a natural dam that the stream water collects behind for months which is about 20 feet above the level of the ocean on the other side of the sand berm. Every year some one digs a trench through the sand releasing millions of gallons of fresh water into the ocean. This produces a standing wave which is perfect for body boarding and surfing on. When we first walked up these kids had just a trickle of water moving through a trench about a foot wide they had been digging for quite a while. Within 20 minutes it had turned into a roaring torrent. It was amazing to watch how fast it grew and ate away the banks. It all lasted about an hour before the water slowed down but it was fun watching the action.
Ocean Dome Madd Wave pool in japan (actually barrels)
Thank you:
4:53 PM
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Artwork of Kuksi
cool artwork, kind of like giger dark, good stuff...click the link to view his gallery and note the high resolution link for each image!
"The Guardian"
Thank you:
2:09 AM
Monday, July 21, 2008
15 Dazzling Multi Monitor Setups
Ok, this is extremely geeky, but I don't care.
Kick Ass Monitor Arrangements
Here's a teaser.
Thank you:
1:20 PM
Saturday, July 19, 2008
A few things on my mind
Since I've been a bit in absentia recently, I thought I would provide a little chatter for your heads.
1) According to our trusty counter, we have only 40days until foo-ball starts. FUCK YEAH! Dust off the beerbongs folks, Papa needs some gravy with his biscuits.
2) In honor of Trevor "Please Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em" Michael, I would like to again place my vote for the name Stella Eugenia Michael. 'Nuff said.
3) This one is to get your squash working:
What is your favorite musical Pink Floyd moment? - i.e. if you had to pick one part of one song that is your faves, what would it be? I think mine would be the slow breakdown in "Dogs" where he talks about "the weight you used to need to throw around." Hells yeah.
Thank you:
11:28 AM
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
More dancing prisoners
Filipino inmates dancing to Flo Rida's Low.
And Soulja Boy:
Thank you:
4:49 PM
Monday, July 14, 2008
For Kevin...
A fellow blogspot member posts on a subject KP Dub's is fond of...
Thank you:
J.C. Wells
2:29 PM
Once again, the most badass band in the world breaks new ground, this time by making a music video WITHOUT USING ANY LIGHTS OR CAMERAS.
Thank you:
J.C. Wells
1:29 PM
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Specter and Feingold talk FISA
CrooksandLiars has video of an exchange between Arlen Specter (R-Penn) and Russ Feingold on FISA. This is definitely worth a viewing. The real money-shot is when Specter asks how the Senate can vote on immunity when 70 members haven't been briefed on the program related to the immunization (and a majority of the members of the House are similarly ignorant). Bipartisanship at its best.
Also, Arlen Specter is looking pretty rough. I was shocked at his appearance. Apparently, his cancer has returned.
Thank you:
5:38 PM
One of the best in a while
Cracked.com is really a hit and miss site sometimes, but I really got a kick outta this article. Enjoy.
Thank you:
J.C. Wells
12:37 PM
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Mission Accomplished
In a 1998 interview, [Osama bin Laden] "claimed that the United States has carried out ‘the biggest theft in history’ by buying oil from Persian Gulf countries at low prices. According to bin Laden, a barrel of oil today should cost $144. Based on that calculation, he said, the Americans have stolen $36 trillion from Muslims…" (Associated Press, 9/28).
Thank you:
9:26 AM
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Obama responds to FISA critics
Barak Obama has issued a response to those criticizing his position on the new FISA bill, which can be read here.
A few points:
Obama claims that the exclusivity provision included in the new bill will prevent future abuses. But the FISA already had such a provision, as indicated in yesterday's ruling by Judge Vaughn Walker (a ruling that rejected the administration's claims that the President has the authority to violate FISA. Glenn Greenwald has more on this ruling). The key point is that FISA was already the exclusive means for conducting electronic surveillance, and Bush violated it. So this "new" provision is worth exactly dick. Obama is either clueless in this matter, or he is distorting the truth.
Obama writes: "As I've said many times, an independent monitor must watch the watchers to prevent abuses and to protect the civil liberties of the American people. This compromise law assures that the FISA court has that responsibility." But the FISA court, under the new bill, would not have the authority to evaluate individual cases. All the FISA court has the authority to do is to evaluate the overall program, and they are required to certify the program if they believe that it doesn't, for the most part, target the communications of American citizens. So to say that this bill empowers monitors to "prevent abuses and protect the civil liberties of the American people" is overselling it substantially. Assuming that Obama has read the thing, he must realize this.
He writes: "I'm persuaded that it is necessary to keep the American people safe -- particularly since certain electronic surveillance orders will begin to expire later this summer." These are, as Greenwald noted yesterday, orders that originated under the PAA, which Obama did not vote for, and thus, it stands to reason, didn't think were vital to national security. But Obama now claims that these surveillance orders are so vital that he will support "imperfect" legislation if that is required to keep them active.
Obama ends the letter with the following: "But I think it is worth pointing out that our agreement on the vast majority of issues that matter outweighs the differences we may have. After all, the choice in this election could not be clearer. Whether it is the economy, foreign policy, or the Supreme Court, my opponent has embraced the failed course of the last eight years, while I want to take this country in a new direction." Certainly the economy, foreign policy, and the Supreme Court are important issues. But do they outweigh issues such as the rule of law, respect for the Constitution, and the civil liberties of the American people? Should Obama supporters be willing to trade the latter for a President who (according to him) agrees with them on the former?
I am sure that most of Obama's supporters will not be influenced by his FISA decision. They will vote for him because they perceive McCain as a worse choice (which he may be). But this is not merely some pet issue with which he disagrees with a segment of his base. This is a question of holding lawbreakers responsible for their crimes, of discovering the extent of Bush's lawbreaking, of setting a precedent which causes future Presidents to think twice before violating the law, and of securing the rights that are supposed to distinguish the citizens of the United States from the rest of the world.
Update: Obama's fans are furiously masturbating to this letter over on The Huffington Post. The responses include "Not to worry, Sen. Obama, we are still with you and knew you had a plan", "Well, I really would have loved this explanation sooner, but better late than never... my friends and I will unleash the cash again", "Obama 's focus is protecting the people of this country first and foremost", "That said, Obamas [SIC] FISA vote doesn't do much to change my vote. Obama is still 100,000,000,000,000 times better than the competition." Pathetic swine. -JRH
Thank you:
5:43 PM
Administration condoned Kurdish oil-deal despite official policy
Hunt Oil struck a deal with the Kurdish Regional Government despite the Administration's official stance. The State Department discouraged such dealings in an attempt to foster an Iraqi National Oil agreement which would hopefully help unite the regions of Iraq. Nevertheless, members of the Bush administration privately supported this move, going so for as to offer assistance if there was any trouble.
Ray L. Hunt, CEO Hunt Oil, is a major contributor to George W. Bush, and is a member of the latter's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.
The President said that he knew nothing of the deal.
Thank you:
11:38 AM