Monday, December 10, 2007

In case you didn't know already...

So yeah, deal with that.


nickmckjones said...

any video in that style seems to convince me, fuck the alien machine, and fuck John Tesh, humans must unite

Jon said...

My camera fucked up.
Therefore, John Tesh is an alien.

J.C. Wells said...

Glad you guys are with me on this one. I almost pissed myself when I saw it.

copeland said...

This one time, at bandcamp, my walkman died on me - that's when I knew my band director was an alien. And even though it worked when I replaced the batteries, I'm knew he was to blame - also, he used to steal my thoughts and replace them with an urge to listen to boybands from the 1980s like Debarge. Fuckin' Eerie Indiana, man.