Monday, December 10, 2007

Cool posts, Chris

Glad to see that this thing still generates some interest. Here's a question for everyone: aside from OJ and whiskey, what should a guy do to get over the flu? I've heard about drugs you can take, but they appear to be prescription only.


J.C. Wells said...

Honestly, not much as far as I know. Gotta let the body do it's thing unless it gets bad enough to require hospitalization. Like you said - fluids and rest. And maybe pussy. If ya go the whiskey route, anyway. Unless the is the vomiting kinda flu. Well, maybe if you're into the whole barf 'n' pussy fetish.

OK, so I wrote that last sentence just so I could put "barf" and "pussy" in the same sentence. And I wrote that one so I could do it again. But fo' reez - I'm sure someone's into it. I dare one of you guys to go find the web site for it and post the worst. Why? Innocence is gone, man, long gone.

copeland said...

First of all - JC Wells - fuckin' brilliant, man!! I couldn't find visual evidence but here is a Hustler-like story involving, that's right, both barf and pussy.

Second, yeah there are drugs for the flu but you gotta take 'em within the first 48hrs. As long as you can keep shit on yo stomach, keep drinking fluids and eating what you can.

J.C. Wells said...

Copeland, you win. I think I barfed a little, but swallowed it back when there wasn't a pussy in sight, when I read that story. Your prize will be a Czechoslovakian mail-order bride who is dying for a "vegetable soup" barf covered pussy.