Sunday, March 22, 2009

Wargames via E-mail

I was thinking about out gaming discussion and ran in to this program on the internet. It's called cyberboard, and it allows you to play games via e-mail. The catch is that you still the need the game for the rules, combat tables, etc. and it's not live action. However, the coolest part is that this cat also made a designer program so that you can make your own boards and game pieces. I made a replica of the Tactics 2 game board this weekend. Pretty rad.


Jon said...

This is very cool. I see that someone has made a version of Diplomacy already. That might be a fun one, though some of the dynamic would be lost (the immediacy of the reactions to one's intrigue, e.g.).

copeland said...

Yeah, it's certainly not as fun as playing in person. There are tons of gameboxes out there. I really like the designer program - will come in handy when actually making a new game. Boards can be saved as bitmaps, etc.

bluesngrass said...

Anytime. Anyplace.