Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Obama administration is screwing Chris Dodd over the AIG bonus scandal

Glenn Greenwald lays it out:

"There is a major push underway -- engineered by Obama's Treasury officials, enabled by a mindless media, and amplified by the right-wing press -- to blame Chris Dodd for the AIG bonus payments. That would be perfectly fine if it were true. But it's completely false, and the scheme to heap the blame on him for the AIG bonus payments is based on demonstrable falsehoods."

I guess that this wouldn't be as terrible if Dodd wasn't facing an uphill battle for his seat in the next election cycle. It would still be craven and dishonest, but less treacherous. 

1 comment:

bluesngrass said...

How necessary was it to rush this bill through congress so quickly?
As far as Obamer is concerned I'm impressed. A sacrifice for the masses. I didn't know he had it in him.