Thursday, January 24, 2008

Why are healthcare costs so high?

We've all heard it said that frivolous lawsuits are to blame. In 2001, malpractice claims accounted for 0.46% of total healthcare spending in the United States. A decade ago, administrative overhead accounted for a staggering 31% of total healthcare expenditures. But perhaps things have changed in the last decade... or perhaps not.

Why are administrative costs so high? A study in California offers an answer.

1 comment:

copeland said...

Thanks for the post Jon. This exlpains why many private physicians triple and quadruple book just to get a small portion of reimbursement from the insurance companies. Menawhile, all of us are waiting in the lobby for hours on end to spend a whopping 5min with the MD. Even in the Charity system where ain't nobody gettin' paid, I spend 15min a patient just filling out paperwork. Fucking recockulus.